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Blindfold Wildcard

title:Blindfold Wildcard
download page:No link!
genre:Traditional games
developer:Kid friendly software
release:March 2015
features:text, sound
last edit by:Dark


Blindfold wildcard is a fully accessible version of the cardgame of Uno which can be played right from the comfort of your favourite Ios device. Played with a pack of numbered cards containing the numbers 0-9 in four coloured suits of red, green, blue or yellow, the object is to get rid all of the cards in your hand. Each time a card is played you must play a card of the same colour or number, for example if someone played a yellow 7, you could play either a yello 3 or a red 7. If you can't play a card you must pick up a card from the pile. To keep matters interesting, there are the titular wild cards. These can be played at any time and let you choose the colour. Also, the pack contains cards to mess with your opponent, such as the skip, which makes them mis a turn, the reverse which reverses the order of play, draw two which forces them to draw two cards on their next turn, and the dreaded wild draw 4 which lets you both change the colour, and forces the next person to draw four cards.

Blindfold wildcard can be played with simple gestures, for example swipes left and right to select cards to play, two finger tap to view the top card on the discard pile, and three finger tap to draw the next card. Additionally the "blindfold Wildcard with friends" version can be downloaded as a separate ap from the ap store which lets you play against your game centre friends.

The Blindfold version of the game also comes with variations in rules, for example, you can choose whether to allow people to play a card they just drew if it would be legitimate, and how much time you have to do this, you can also change the scoring, either having people earn penalty points based on the cards in their hands, or having the winner of a round earn the cumulative scores of cards left in the hands of all players hearts style. You can also alter the target score for the game from as little as 100 to as much as a thousand.

The game may be downloaded for free and comes with coins, giving ten chances to play the game against two players. The ability to play unlimited games, and play against three and four players can be bought for four dollars, with the alternative scoring option available for another two dollars.

More information about Blindfold wildcard can be found Here on Applevis

Have fun counting cards.


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